Be Happy For Once…



Got a few questions for ya… Why is it you’re only happy when there’s drama?  Confusion?  Arguing?  Or if your man/woman is chasing behind you???

Why is it you can’t just be happy with things going well?  Smoothly? Drama free?  No arguing? Effective communicating?

Does arguing make you feel wanted?  Cared for and cared about???  Does it make you feel in control? Shows you they’re at least interested in entertaining you???

Some of you reading are married to, dating, friends with, and kin to people who are only happy when things are going bad….  Sadly to say, some of you are this person as well…. You’re unable able to dwell in peace, so you find something to reap havoc into your life…

Some of you women have men who love you dearly, but that’s not good enough for you….  You want a (Click HERE to read more)

When They’ve Asked You To Let Go…


The problem many of you are facing is you’re holding onto a person who has asked you to set them free…  Whether it’s through their actions or words, they’ve asked to be let go of, yet you’re holding on…  Did you know holding onto someone who wants to be free is more painful than letting them go???  That as long as they’re unhappy with you, you’re going to be unhappy with them???  Well it’s true…  Holding on to someone who has either moved on physically, emotionally or mentally is only keeping you chained to unhappiness and misery…

So you ask, “John, how do I let them go?” and that’s a pretty darn good question…  Well first you ask yourself, “Who and what’s more important???”  So many times we confuse love with fear…  Many of you if you were to be completely honest with yourselves, you’ve fallen out of love with him/her…  You no (Click HERE to read more)

Happiness Is My Crack…


“Stop looking for happiness in the same place you lost it.”

I came across the above quote and I must say it speaks volumes and paints a descriptive picture of who I used to be…  I can remember times I should have walked away, but because of my hope of things getting better, I stayed…  During these times I believe I was the most unhappiest I’ve ever been in my life, but what is happiness???  What is this thing everyone wants, some find, but many are seeking???  Is “happiness” something you achieve and reside in?  Or is it just a temporary feeling driven by what’s happening at the moment???

I’m a Cancer and it has been proven we are some of the most loyal people you will ever meet…  We stick around through difficult times and no matter how much pressure you place on us, many times we continue to carry it until we’re broken in half…  Like many of you I was in relationships in which I felt no happiness, but I continued to look for it…  The lack of trust, lies, words and actions filled my mind, occupied my heart, and replaced the joy of living…  I was miserable, but I continued to look for something in which there wasn’t even an ounce to trace…  I hoped for different, but my actions were the same as before…  I looked for different, but their actions were the same as before…  I prayed for different, but God’s answers were the same as before…  I was on a scavenger hunt looking for something that didn’t exist…

Through these experiences I learned “happiness” is just like Cocaine…  It’s a temporary high we spend the rest our lives trying to feel again…  So exactly what does that mean, right???  Well some of you could be happy at this very moment…  You (Click HERE to read more)

To My Future Husband…

Dear Future Husband,

“You are the man I’ve prayed and waited for my entire life…  The man I was created to serve, love, and honor… The man I will allow to lead while I silently follow, never question his decisions, and the man whose dreams, aspirations, and desires will be my main focus.   You are my king, the ruler, and the final word…  A man when sick, I will work until you are physically well…  A man when you are broke, I will work until you are financially well…  A man when you are down, I will work until you are emotionally well…  You are my king, the man I vow to obey and cherish until death do us part…”

Okay, let me stop there because I’m about to throw up…  I came across this the other day while surfing the web and no lie, my stomach turned…  As great of a woman as she had to be, either she must have lived in 1861 or one of the biggest liars ever cause no woman exist in 2016 with these types of characteristics..  “Work until”, “Obey”, “Final Word”…  Get outta here…  Funny thing is most of you women reading this probably was thinking “WTH???  Who wrote this???”  And I agree…  So let me share with you six things I immediately saw wrong with this letter and informed me the woman who wrote this had to be Mary Todd Lincoln…  You know Abraham Lincoln’s wife, yeah good ole Abe…  The one Hillary Clinton lied on according to Donald Trump…

So here we go…  How I know for sure a 2016 Woman didn’t write this…

  • “Prayed” would have been spelled “Preyed”…  A lot of women don’t even pray until they’re in a bind, but they will “Prey” ON, Not “Pray For” a man 7 days a week… it’s sad but true, Dating & Marriage has become the number one priority for many women until they’re now making men feel as though their nothing but a piece of meat…  Many women have become hunters and they don’t care who they stumble over to get their prey…  SMH…

  • “Waited”???  Really???  So we’re not (Click HERE to read more)

“And Why Would I Do That???”

So last night I met up with some buddies for drinks…  For the first time in like forever I didn’t have to endure the complaints about their wives not cleaning, cooking, sexing and not being quiet, so for the most part it was a good night…  Just as I thought we were about to make it through the night without the dreaded question being asked, here goes it…  “So JP, when you going to jump the broom???”  I know for sure this dude reads my blogs, watches my videos and even heard me say a thousand times how I hate that question, but I guess he was ready for a fight, so I gave him one..  My response was, “And why would I do that???”.  Caught out guard, he says “Why would you do what?? Get married???  (I nod)  Well we all want somebody to get old with???”  Now he should have known that wasn’t a good answer and that he was about to get lit up….

Now take into consideration this is a guy who has a woman on the side.  A guy who constantly complains about his wife…  A guy who in all honesty doesn’t love, halfway likes, and not in the least bit respects his wife…  So I respond “Yeah, why would I get married???  Is your marriage supposed to be an example (Click HERE to read more)

What Would Make You “For Real” Happy???

So let me ask you this, yeah YOU the one who’s reading this blog…  Right now at this very moment, what would make you happy???  You know, for real for real happy?  The kind of happiness that no matter what was going on around you, happiness would trump it!!!  Would it be a relationship, new job, new home, new car, more money, better health, weight loss, weight gain???  Would it be unlimited sex with bae?  Having a loved one you loss back?  Never being married only later to be divorced???  Leaving your relationship???  Would happiness come if you were free to be the person you know you truly are?   Again, what would make you for real for real happy???


Many of you are seeking happiness in the “external” things of the world, failing to realize it is an “internal” thing…  You’re looking to everyone and everything else to make you happy, but the only person who can truly do this is the man/woman looking back at you in the mirror…  Have you ever wondered (Click HERE to read more0

Lost In The Pursuit Of Life…


By now you’re supposed to be married with kids, have multiple degrees, traveling the world, and living your life like it’s golden…  But it seems like life has thrown a curve ball and you’re now suffering from a failed married/never been married, have kids by someone you’re no longer with/childless, still in pursuit of graduating, can’t travel because of finances, and your life has been tarnished by your past…  Your dreams seem impossible and your reality is you’re not the person you thought you would be…  What happened to you?  How did you get here?

How did you become the person you are today?  It’s so far from who you thought you would be…  When you look in the mirror you see no resemblance of that young, vibrant, go-getter person you once were.  What happened to you?  Was it the marriage you poured every fiber of your existence into?  Was it forsaking what you wanted in the pursuit of giving everyone else what they wanted?  Was it the multiple credit cards, student loans, car payments, and living a life you couldn’t afford?  What happened to you?  And how in the hell did you get where you are today?

Many of you feel lost today…  You feel like you’ve wasted your entire life and now you have nothing to show for it…  Older, should be wiser, but it seems like you’re not…  Older, should be more financially stable, but it seems like you’re not…  Older, should be much happier, but it seems like you’re not…  Older, should be more confident, but it seems like you’re not… Older, should know who you are and what you want, but it seems like you don’t….  Unaware of exactly (Click HERE to read more)

The Truth Bowl: “Can women talk to each other?”

Can women talk? Can women be trusted? Check out this amazing Episode of The Truth Bowl featuring panelist Jimmie, Ana, and Veronica….

Keep it 100…..

“Be Happy As Long As…”

Many of you are living your life miserable because you’re pleasing everyone else but yourself. You’re screaming on the inside because you feel trapped in a world created by those around you. They say “I want you to be happy” and this is true, but only if it doesn’t inconvenience them in anyway.

Your entire life you’ve aimed to make your parents happy by being the perfect child, getting married, having children and doing all the things that make them smile, but what about you? Did they ever ask what makes you happy? What puts a smile on your face? What direction in life you want to travel? No, because in many cases their definition of happiness doesn’t even include you….. Your happiness is second to theirs…. As long as you’re following in their footsteps, doing what they believe is best, living their failed dreams and not bringing shame to the family name, you’re (they’re) happy.

Now you’re all grown up and still find yourself making everyone else happy while you’re miserable on the inside. You’re working a job because that’s what someone thought was best for you… You married a man because that’s what someone thought was best for you… You are the Pastor of a church because(Click here to read more…. )