“I Just Want To Live…”


Have you ever reached a point in life where you felt you’re “alive”, but you aren’t “living”?  Daily going through the routine, but not really experiencing any fulfilling moments?   Well I know how you feel, because that’s exactly where I am today… 

For the past couple of years I’ve wanted to travel, get away from the struggles of the world, leave everything behind for at least a moment and just live my life…  Live it free of worrying about bills, calories, image, perception and the expectations of others.  Live it like God truly destined me to live it before I allowed mortgage, car payments, credit cards, relationships, pressures of the world, expectations of the church, and friendships to blur my vision of true happiness… For once, I just want to live…

I want to wake up at whatever time (Click here to read more… The Truth Bowl )

“Cause You’re Acting Like One…”


Why are women offended when called a “B*%$h”, yet they do everything to be called one?  Why are Christians pissed when called a “hypocrite”, yet they hit the clubs, sleep around, drink and do drugs more than Lindsay Lohan on what she considers to be a “lite” day? Why are men bent all out of shape when called “weak”, yet they don’t take care of their children, pay their bills, beat up women, and wants a woman to take care of him?  Why are you offended for being called what you’re acting like?

I’m always baffled by people who lose it over being called a “name”….  African Americans hate the word “nigger” when used by another ethnic group, but it’s a term of endearment between “black folks”…   Pastors hate being called “Spiritual Pimps”, yet they drive the big fancy cars, wear the bling-bling, (Click here to read more… The Truth Bowl )

“Where In The Hell Are You?”


Right now you’re missing out on life because you’re living in the past or searching for the future…

Yesterday was a good day, but it’s gone…  Yesterday you were hurt, but it’s gone…  Yesterday he/she left you, but it’s gone and so are they…  You’re missing out on today because of what life served you yesterday…

Tomorrow isn’t here, but you’re worried about it…  Tomorrow isn’t here, but you’re excited about it…  Tomorrow isn’t here, but you’re already living in it…  You’re missing out on today because of what you believe life will serve you tomorrow…

The truth is…  Life is happening RIGHT NOW and you’re nowhere to be found…   You’re consumed (Click here to read more… The Truth Bowl )

“You’re An A.S.S.”


Have you ever wondered why a physically fit woman becomes insecure when a plus size woman enters the room?  A handsome man is jealous of what the world may consider to be an ugly man?  Or how about how you intimidate others with just being you? 

I’ve heard several people ask, “How did Jay Z hook Beyonce?”  Well outside of the millions of dollars resting in his bank account; a wall filed with platinum records; the clothing line; his business genius and his gift for picking money makers, Jay Z has what we like to call “SWAGG”.  I’ve never met Jay Z, but I’m quite sure he’s heard he’s not easy on the eyes, his lips are big, and he’s a thug to some degree, but none of these things stopped him from being an “A.S.S.”.   He’s realized his “SWAGG” is not determined by the way he looks, how much money he has, nor is it measured by the number of Gold and Platinum records he’s earned….  Jay Z realizes it’s his determination to remain Authentic, Secure in who he is, and Strong in moments when faced with haters that makes him sexy to those who would normally consider him unattractive.     

Many of you are an “A.S.S” as well, but at some point in life you allowed the words of others (Click here to read more… The Truth Bowl )

“Hurdles Come With Destiny”


So you’re overwhelmed, frustrated, and sitting on yo @$$ doing nothing about it…  Things aren’t going how you planned, people aren’t coming through as they’ve said, and you’ve invested more money and energy than you can afford.  Wife is complaining, Husband isn’t supporting, Kids are crying, Family is begging, and your enemies are laughing…  It’s like “What the hell is going on?”…  Every time you look up there’s a fire to put out, a mountain to climb, and a hurdle to jump over…  Well guess what, “Hurdles Come With Destiny”… 

The biggest misconception many visionaries have is the quest to reaching our “destiny” is easy…   Their belief is God gave them the vision, so there will be no obstacles along the way…  As a result of this, they’re unprepared for the hard times, lack of support from loved ones, and unable to sustain when “destiny” seems unreachable…  They can’t cope with being lied to, lied on, torn down, and they’re left being the victim…    Well guess what, GET OVER YOURSELF YOU ARE NOT THE VICTIM…  Stop whining, crying, and sitting on yo @$$ having a pity party…  You’re wasting (Click here to read more.. The Truth Bowl )

“The Best Of Me”


You poured into it… Gave everything you have to it…  Stressed and cried over it…. Fought for it … Now that it’s over you’re left with regrets of giving the best of you and getting nothing in return…

Today’s blog is for those of you have given the best  and now feeling empty from pouring into something or someone who has moved on and left you behind.  Maybe it was a job you were fired from, a marriage that ended in divorce, a ministry you were voted out of, or any other situation in which you gave so much of yourself and now that it’s over, you feel you have nothing to offer.

I’ve heard so many women say “I gave him the best years of my life, and he……”.  For some reason they’ve been hoodwinked into believing their lives are over and they no longer have anything to contribute nor are they suitable or desirable for a relationship.  Maybe their breast is sagging now, stretch marks cover their midsection, they’re a little older than before, but have they given the best of themselves??  NO…

Then there are those whose job or ministry ended abruptly.   When first starting out (Click here to read more The Truth Bowl )

The Truth Bowl: “Can women talk to each other?”

Can women talk? Can women be trusted? Check out this amazing Episode of The Truth Bowl featuring panelist Jimmie, Ana, and Veronica….

Keep it 100…..

“Giving Back To YOU”


Have you ever had one of those “I don’t give a damn” moments??? You reached the point of no return and ready to throw in the towel??? Here recently I’ve found myself in this exact place.  I’m tired, frustrated, constantly complaining, mind filled with negative thoughts, and from time to time I struggle with life.  I’m a natural “giver” and I’ve found myself giving so much of myself to others that it prevented me from giving to myself. 

We’ve all heard the quote “Give and Take” meaning you give a little and you take a little, sadly to say we live in a “Take” world.  Everyone is looking to be blessed, pampered, appreciated and validated.  Their expectations are to be called, texted, emailed and inboxed.  You’re supposed to chase, pursue, run behind, and fight for them.  But when do you receive the things you need???  Some of you holy rollers reading this post are shaking your head and chanting “It’s better to give than receive” and trust me when I say this, I completely agree. 

I’ve never given anything expecting anything in return from anyone. I’m firm believer in the “Golden Rule”, Newton 3rd’s Law, and Reciprocity.  I’ve learned when you give, your goodness will find you whether it’s through the receiver or someone else.  But when is enough, enough????

So you’re thinking you can never give enough?  Well let me put this thought in your mind…  Yesterday I was speaking with one of my divine connections, Dr. Sheila Bunton (TheMendingDoctor) about where I am in life.  And in a nutshell, she told me I give too much.  She goes on to say my giving should be directed NOT by the goodness of my heart, but by God.  Now this may sound strange, but after really thinking about it, it’s true….  I’m constantly (Click here to read more The Truth Bowl )

“I Don’t Trust You”


What happened to “Trust”?  Believing someone has your back? Having “faith” others will come through?  It’s amazing how we “trust” no one and sadly to say, God has been penalized as well.  It’s like no one “trust” anymore and instantly anticipate the worst.   The expectation of others is to fail us, and we wait for them to reveal we were right.  Women no longer “trust” men… Men no longer “trust” women…  Children no longer “trust” their parents…  Employees no longer “trust” their boss…  What’s up with the world today?  Why can’t we trust people to do the right thing?

Many times we are unaware of the walls we’ve enclosed ourselves in. Walls built with bricks of hurt and pain caused by those we thought loved and cared for us.  Over time each horrific life experience has added brick after brick leaving us trapped in a room filled with misery. Unable to trust ANYONE we question the motives of EVERYONE we encounter.  Our minds are closed to the possibilities of purity and because it has happened in the past, we’ve convinced ourselves it will happen again.

The truth is… You’re carrying baggage…  You’ve been (Click here to read more… http://TheTruthBowl.com )

“Stroke It…”


Outside the fact some men lack the brain power and genes to commit to one woman, what is the next most common reason men say they cheat?  Is it peer pressure?  Extremely high sex drive?  Lack of interest in the one he’s with?????  Well through several polls conducted across the world, the number two reason men lie and say they cheat is (drum roll please)….  “the other woman makes him feel like a man…”  Now I know several of you women reading this post has probably cursed the screen, rolled your eyes, and even picked up the phone and called your bestie….  But don’t be mad at The Truth Bowl, we’re not the conductors of the poll nor or we your deceitful man, we’re just sharing our findings….

It’s true; the polls have shown men feel belittled, manipulated, unappreciated and castrated by some of you women.  Now in no way are we condoning cheating, but you women who say you’re a “Work In Progress” and you’re trying to let him be a man, this blog is for you…  You see the other woman is like Grandparents keeping your hardhead kids…  You see they don’t have to deal with him forgetting to put down the toilet seat, his mood swings, nor do they have to deal with him not paying the bills on time.  So because of this, they get what they believe is the best of him, so they’re constantly stroking (no pun intended) his ego which is something you fail to do.   When she’s done and her needs are met, she sends his lazy, no good for nothing butt home to you….  Everything you’re too pissed to tell him, they’re gladly telling him…  The grass is always prettier when you don’t have to cut it…

Throughout history men have been portrayed as (Click here to read more… http://www.thetruthbowl.com/index.html?entry=stroke-it )