When Men Tell The Truth…


“Truth” for many of you reading is a hard pill to swallow…  You say you want it, but truthfully speaking you want beautiful…  You want to hear the things that makes you feel good, not good for you… Things that makes you feel all fuzzy inside, not things that make you examine what’s inside…  You want to hear the things in which are in alignment with what you believe and so desperately want…  So where am I going with this?  Glad you ask…  For some apparent reason, many of you have a hard time dealing with and receiving the “truth” when it comes from a man…  So let me break it down…

Men take the wrap for being “liars” all the time, but many of them tell the truth, but it falls on ears that don’t want to hear or receive it…  You know like when a man tells the truth about only having and wanting sex from you…  You listen to him, but you don’t believe him…  Because you’ve been told in the past your cookies are like none other, you believe you can convince him otherwise…  You believe he’s eventually going to surrender to you and when he doesn’t, you feel played… Now I know men are supposedly born with the gift of telling lies, but many have told you the truth, but it wasn’t in alignment with what you so desperately wanted…

Here’s another one for you…  Some men have made it known upfront; in the beginning; first and second date; three (Click HERE to read more)

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